NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September

NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September: To score better marks in the NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies, you should have depth knowledge of the entire subject.

You can boost your preparation by referring to NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September. It will give you information about the important chapters and concepts covered in all chapters.

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NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September

NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are the best study materials to score good marks in the Arab Culture and Islamic Studies exam.

Practicing these NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies paper 3 Previous Year Question papers assist the students in getting a clear idea about the question paper pattern and types of questions asked in the exam.

You can check the complete NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September.

1. Hud was sent as a Prophet to the people of

(A) ‘Ād

(B) Thamud

(C) Banu Israel

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


2. Mesopotamia is the old name of

(A) Yemen

(B) Turkey

(C) Iraq

(D) Afghanistan

Answer: (C)


3. The Himyarite kingdom was established in

(A) Syria

(B) Iraq

(C) Egypt

(D) South-western Arabia

Answer: (D)


4. The first European to cross the Empty Quarter (al-Rub’ al-Khali) was

(A) St. John Philby

(B) Bertram Thomas

(C) Lawrence of Arabia

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


5. Which of the following animals is known as the ship of the desert?

(A) Horse

(B) Elephant

(C) Donkey

(D) Camel

Answer: (D)


6. The war of Dahis and Ghabra was fought between

(A) ‘Abs and Dhubyan

(B) Banu Bakr and Taghlib

(C) Aws and Khazraj

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


7. In his migration from Mecca to Medina Prophet Muhammad was accompanied by

(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr

(B) Hazrat Umar

(C) Hazrat Uthman

(D) Hazrat Ali

Answer: (A)


8. Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the year

(A) 600

(B) 610

(C) 615

(D) 622

Answer: (B)


9. The Islamic State was founded by Prophet Muhammad in

(A) Mecca

(B) Medina

(C) Jeddah

(D) Taif

Answer: (B)


10. The farewell pilgrimage was performed by Prophet Muhammad in the year

(A) 600

(B) 615

(C) 630

(D) 632

Answer: (D)

11. The battle of Yamamah was fought during the caliphate of

(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr

(B) Hazrat Umar

(C) Hazrat Uthman

(D) Hazrat Ali

Answer: (A)


12. The battle of Siffin was fought between

(A) Aisha and Ali

(B) Quraish and Ansar

(C) Ali and Muawiyah

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


13. The legendary founder of Arabic grammar is

(A) Ibn Khallikan

(B) Abul Aswad al-Du’ali

(C) Umar II

(D) Abdul Malik

Answer: (B)


14. Hasan al-Basari lived during the

(A) Umayyad period

(B) Abbasid period

(C) Ayyubid period

(D) Ottoman period

Answer: (A)


15. Who among the following was a schoolmaster before becoming a governor?

(A) Musa Bin Nusayr

(B) Al-Muhallab

(C) Hajjaj Bin Yusuf

(D) Umar Bin Abdullah

Answer: (C)


16. The Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik was succeeded by

(A) Hisham

(B) Umar II

(C) Marwan

(D) Al-Walid

Answer: (D)


17. Arrange the following Caliphs in chronological order. Use the code given below:

i. Yazid

ii. Mu‘awiyah

iii. Mu‘awiyah II

iv. Marwan


(A) iv iii ii i

(B) ii i iii iv

(C) i ii iii iv

(D) iii ii i iv

Answer: (B)


18. Who among the following were contemporaries:

(A) Mutanabbi                        –                      Khalid Bin Walid

(B) Jarir                                   –                      Salahuddin Ayyubi

(C) Harun Rashid                    –                      Charlemagne

(D) Mamun                             –                      Muthanna Ibn Harithah

Answer: (C)


19. Zubaydah was the wife of

(A) Caliph Al-Mansur

(B) Caliph Al-Hadi

(C) Caliph Al-Mahdi

(D) Caliph Harun Rashid

Answer: (D)


20. Arrange the following Caliphs in order they ruled. Use the code given below:

i. Al-Mamun

ii. Al-Mutawakkil

iii. Abdul Malik Bin Marwan

iv. Al-Mustasim


(A) i iii iv ii

(B) iii iv i ii

(C) iii i ii iv

(D) iii i iv ii

Answer: (D)

21. The book ‘Firdaws al-Hikmah’ by Ali al-Tabari is a book on

(A) Geography

(B) Medicine

(C) Poetry

(D) Chemistry

Answer: (B)


22. Who one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Ibn Sina                            –                      Medicine

(B) Abu Hanifa                       –                      Jurisprudence

(C) Jabir Ibn Hayyan              –                      Alchemy

(D) Al-Biruni                          –                      Tafsir-e-Quran

Answer: (D)


23. Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Philosopher of the Arabs’?

(A) AL-Kindi

(B) Al-Farabi

(C) Ibn Sina

(D) Al-Razi

Answer: (A)


24. The book ‘al-Durrah al-Yatimah’ was written by

(A) Al-Biruni

(B) Ibn Khaldun

(C) Ibn al-Muqaffa

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


25. The full name of al-Farabi was

(A) Abu Ali al-Farabi

(B) Abul Hasan al-Farabi

(C) Abu Hamid al-Farabi

(D) Abu Nasr al-Farabi

Answer: (D)


26. Which one of the following is correctly matched:

(A) Arabs                                –                      Aryans

(B) Baital Maqdis                   –                      Jerusalem

(C) Darul Hikmat                    –                      Baghdad

(D) Baitul Hikmat                   –                      Cairo

Answer: (B)


27. The first Muslim scholar in the field of comparative religion was

(A) Ibn Hazm

(B) Al Idrisi

(C) Al-Ghazali

(D) Al-Biruni

Answer: (A)


28. The book Mu‘jamul Buldan by Yaqut al-Hamawi is a

(A) Scientific dictionary

(B) Linguistic dictionary

(C) Geographical dictionary

(D) Biographical dictionary

Answer: (C)


29. Shan-e-Nuzul means

(A) The theme discussed in the Quran.

(B) The relationship of a Surah with the next Surah.

(C) The background and conditions in which a Surah is revealed.

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


30. Which of the following books on Tafsir is incomplete?

(A) Tarjumanul Quran

(B) Tafhimul Quran

(C) Tadabbur-e Quran

(D) Bayanul Quran

Answer: (A)


31. The interest prohibited in the Quran is known as

(A) Al-Riba

(B) Al-Faidah

(C) Al-Mazid

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


32. Which of the following is the name of a Surah in the Quran?

(A) Al-Qahirah

(B) Al-Dakhilah

(C) Al-Kahf

(D) Al-Fadilah

Answer: (C)


33. The Surah of the Quran that begins without Bismillah is

(A) Surah Ikhlas

(B) Surah Tawbah

(C) Surah Falaq

(D) Surah Yasin

Answer: (B)


34. The author of the book ‘Kitabul Manazir’ was

(A) Ibn Abd Rabbih

(B) Ibn Rushad

(C) Ibn al-Haytham

(D) Ibn Zuhr

Answer: (C)


35. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Ibn Sina                            –                      Fath al-Rahman

(B) Al-Ghazali                        –                      Al-Itqan

(C) Al-Biruni                           –                      Al-Qanun

(D) Al-Ash‘ari                         –                      Ilm-e-Kalam

Answer: (D)


36. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Al-Mawardi                      –                      Ihya Ulum al-Din

(B) Al-Ghazali                        –                      Maqasid al-Falasifah

(C) Al-Farabi                           –                      Al-Siyasat al-Madaniyah

(D) Ibn Rushad                       –                      Al-Kulliyat fi al-Tibb

Answer: (A)


37. The conflict between the Asharites and the Mutazilites emerged during

(A) The Jahili period

(B) The Rashidi period

(C) The Abbasid period

(D) The Ottoman period

Answer: (C)


38. Who among the following is regarded as the greatest critic of Greek Philosophy?

(A) Al-Ghazali

(B) Ibn Sina

(C) Al-Farabi

(D) Ibn Rushd

Answer: (A)


39. Imam Ghazali died in the year

(A) 1050

(B) 1011

(C) 1111

(D) 1211

Answer: (C)


40. Imam Shafi‘i was born in

(A) Baghdad

(B) Jerusalem

(C) Damascus

(D) Ghazzah

Answer: (D)


41. Author of the book ‘al-Masalik w-al-Mamalik’ was

(A) Ibn Khurdadhbih

(B) Al-Masudi

(C) Sulayman al-Tajir

(D) Al-Maqdisi

Answer: (A)


42. Hadith means

(A) Saying of Prophet Muhammad and his companions

(B) Sayings of Prophet Muhammad’s companions and those who followed them

(C) Sayings and practices of Prophet Muhammad

(D) Juristic decisions of Imams

Answer: (C)


43. Which of the following is not a fundamental source of Islamic law?

(A) Quran

(B) Hadith

(C) Ijma

(D) Tabaqat Ibn Sa‘d

Answer: (D)


44. Arrange the following jurists in chronological order. Use the code given below:

i. Imam Abu Hanifah

ii. Imam Shafi‘i

iii. Imam Malik Ibn Anas

iv. Imam Ibn Hanbal


(A) i ii iii iv

(B) i iii ii iv

(C) iv iii ii i

(D) ii i iii iv

Answer: (B)


45. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Asnad                               –                      Hadith

(B) Tirmidhi                            –                      Comparative religion

(C) Ahmed Ibn Hanbal           –                      Mishkat al-Masabih

(D) Abu Dawud                      –                      Al-Munqidh Min Al-Dalal

Answer: (A)


46. Imam Abu Yusuf belongs to

(A) Maliki school of Fiqh

(B) Hanbali school of Fiqh

(C) Hanafi school of Fiqh

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


47. The author of ‘Kashf al-Mahjub’ is

(A) Shaikh Ali Hujweri

(B) Khwaja Nizamuddin Awliya

(C) Shaikh Bahauddin Zakaria

(D) Ameer Khusru

Answer: (A)


48. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Khwaja Muinuddin                      –                      Chistia Order

(B) Ibn Arabi                                      –                      Wahdat al-Wujud

(C) Hasan Basari                                 –                      Qadiriya order

(D) Mujaddid Alf-e Thani                  –                      Naqshbandia order

Answer: (C)


49. Who among the following was an Egyptian Sufi poet?

(A) Hafiz Shirazi

(B) Shaikh Sadi

(C) Al-Rumi

(D) Ibn al-Farid

Answer: (D)


50. Arrange the following dynasties in chronological order. Use the code given below:

i. The Fatimids

ii. The Ayyubids

iii. Burji Mamluks

iv. Bahri Mamluks


(A) iii iv i ii

(B) i iii ii iv

(C) i ii iv iii

(D) iv i ii iii

Answer: (C)


51. The Fatimid power reached the meridian of its glory under

(A) Caliph al-Qasim

(B) Caliph al-Aziz

(C) Caliph al-Amir

(D) Caliph al-Hafiz

Answer: (B)


52. Sultan Malikshah died in the year

(A) 1050

(B) 1060

(C) 1082

(D) 1092

Answer: (D)


53. Author of the book ‘Hayy Bin Yaqzan’ was

(A) Ibn Bajjah

(B) Ibn Rushd

(C) Ibn Tufail

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


54. The Black Stone was taken away from the Kaba by

(A) The Qarmatians

(B) The Berbers

(C) The Jews

(D) The Christians

Answer: (A)


55. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Shakib Arsalan                 –                      Biology

(B) Baba Farid                        –                      Tasawwuf

(C) Al-Hallaj                           –                      Political Science

(D) Sufi Sarmad                      –                      Military Science

Answer: (B)


56. Ibn Arabi was buried in

(A) Taif

(B) Mecca

(C) Baghdad

(D) Damascus

Answer: (D)


57. Abdul Qadir Jilani flourished in

(A) Cordova

(B) Damascus

(C) Baghdad

(D) Cairo

Answer: (C)


58. Jamat-e-Islami was founded by Maulana Maududi in

(A) 1950

(B) 1947

(C) 1941

(D) 1944

Answer: (C)


59. The Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi belongs to

(A) Bath Party

(B) Communist Party

(C) Wafd Party

(D) Muslim Brotherhood

Answer: (D)


60. Ahl-e- Hadith are so called because

(A) They believe only in Hadith.

(B) The are not Sufis.

(C) They do not believe in the Quran.

(D) None of the above

Answer: (D)


61. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Shias                                 –                      Ithna Asharis

(B) Ahmad Raza Khan           –                      Darul Ulum Deoband

(C) Jamal Abdul Nasir            –                      Muslim Brotherhood

(D) Ashraf Ali Thanawi          –                      Jamaat-e-Islami

Answer: (A)


62. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Khawarij                                       –                      Muqtadir Billah

(B) Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun               –                      Hasan al-Banna

(C) Tablighi Jamat                               –                      Maulana Zakaria

(D) Sayyid Qutb                                 –                      Ma‘alim fi al- Tariq

Answer: (A)


63. Arrange the following Sufis in chronological order. Use the code given below:

i. Baqi Billah

ii. Chirag Dehlavi

iii. Bakhtiar Kaki

iv. Abdul Qadir Jilani


(A) ii i iv iii

(B) iv iii ii i

(C) i iv iii ii

(D) i ii iii iv

Answer: (B)


64. The founder of Bahai faith was

(A) Bahaullah

(B) Babullah

(C) Dhikrullah 

(D) Bahauddin

Answer: (A)


65. Sindh was conquered by Muslim forces under

(A) Abu Muslim Khurasani

(B) Khalid Bin Walid

(C) Abu Ubaidah

(D) Muhammad Bin Qasim

Answer: (D)


66. Arrange the following rulers in chronological order. Use the code given below:

i. Qutbuddin Aybak

ii. Sulayman I

iii. Salahuddin Ayyubi

iv. Mohd. Ali Pasha


(A) iii i ii iv

(B) iv ii i iii

(C) ii i iv iii

(D) i iv iii ii

Answer: (A)


67. Amman is the capital of

(A) Qatar

(B) Bahrain

(C) Jordan

(D) Kuwait

Answer: (C)


68. Who among the following got Malik Faisal Award in 1980?

(A) Maulana Maududi

(B) Maulana Sayyid Sulaiman Nadwi

(C) Qazi Athar Mubarakpuri

(D) Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Answer: (D)


69. “Al-Ayyam” is the biography of

(A) Ahmed Amin

(B) Taha Hussain

(C) Al-Rafi‘i

(D) Mahmud Taimoor

Answer: (B)


70. Who among the following was a famous Muhaddith of India?

(A) Mulla Abdul Qadir

(B) Maulana Hamiduddin Farahi

(C) Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami

(D) Abdul Haq Dehlawi

Answer: (D)


71. The journal “Al-Bath Al-Islami” is published from

(A) Delhi

(B) Hyderabad

(C) Lucknow

(D) Azamgarh

Answer: (C)


72. The Oslo agreement was signed between PLO and Israel in

(A) 1990

(B) 1993

(C) 1995

(D) 1997

Answer: (B)


73. Jerusalem was occupied by Israel in the year

(A) 1948

(B) 1956

(C) 1967

(D) 1971

Answer: (C)


74. The Islamic Resistance Movement ruling over Ghaza is known as

(A) The Islamic Jihad

(B) Hamas


(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


75. The leader of Hizbullah of Lebonon is

(A) Khalid Mishal

(B) Walid Janbalat

(C) Hasan Nasrullah

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

 Year Wise Solved UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Previous Year Question Papers

The old UGC NET Examination paper-3 in Arab Culture and Islamic Studies is of descriptive type till December 2011.

Paper 3 becomes the objective type from June 2012 to November 2017. From July 2018 onward, paper 3 was stopped and becomes part of paper 2 itself.

So, the old questions for paper-3 from June 2012 to November 2017 which were of objective type (multiple choice questions) can be used by the UGC NET aspirants for their better preparation for paper-2.

Year Wise NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are given below.

Download Year Wise NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies paper 3 Solved Paper
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2017 November
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2016 July
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 June
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 December
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 June
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 December
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 December
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December
UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 June

We have covered the NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September.

If you have any questions about NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3 Solved Question Papers, please let us know in the comment section.

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