NTA UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 June: To score better marks in the NTA UGC NET Visual Art, you should have depth knowledge of the entire subject.
You can boost your preparation by referring to NTA UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 June. It will give you information about the important chapters and concepts covered in all chapters.
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NTA UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 June
NTA UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are the best study materials to score good marks in the Visual Art exam.
Practicing these NTA UGC NET Visual Art paper 3 Previous Year Question papers assist the students in getting a clear idea about the question paper pattern and types of questions asked in the exam.
You can check the complete NTA UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 June.
1. Name the painter of “The Scream”
(A) Edward Munch
(B) James Ensor
(C) Frans Halfs
(D) Salvador Dali
Answer: (A)
2. Who created the famous sculpture ‘the Thinker’?
(A) Marcel Duchamp
(B) Jean Arp
(C) Calder
(D) August Rodin
Answer: (D)
3. Which provincial Indo-Islamic style is represented by the famous monument Jahaj Mahal?
(A) Imperial Delhi
(B) Malwa
(C) Deccan
(D) Gujarat
Answer: (B)
4. In which museum famous Gupta sculpture Govardhandhari is housed?
(A) National Museum, New Delhi
(B) Bharat Bhawan, Bhopal
(C) Bharat Kala Bhawan, Varanasi
(D) Kala Bhawan, Shantiniketan
Answer: (C)
5. Nat Mandap of Konark Sun Temple is located separately on a high plinth. Where is it?
(A) In front of Jagmohan
(B) South of the Garbhgriha
(C) North of Garbhgriha
(D) In the backyard of Garbhgriha
Answer: (A)
6. Who wrote the first review of art exposition called Salon de Refuser?
(A) Roger Fry
(B) Le Roy
(C) Claude Monet
(D) Herbert Read
Answer: (B)

Answer: (B)
8. Plaster of Paris is made of
(A) Sandstone
(B) Limestone
(C) Gypsum
(D) Marble stone
Answer: (C)
9. Melting temperature for bronze
(A) 700 °C
(B) 980 °C
(C) 1400 °C
(D) 1800 °C
Answer: (C)
10. Marx Earnst associated with
(A) Surrealism
(B) Futurism
(C) Post-modernism
(D) Dadaism
Answer: (A)
11. The artists those initially formed the calcutta Group were
(A) Nandalal Bose, Asit Haldar, Jamini Roy, Abani Sen
(B) Nirode Mazumdar, Gopal Ghose, Rathin Maitra, Subho Tagore
(C)Abanindranath Tagore, Sunayani Debi, Hemanta Misra, Jamini Roy
(D) Ramkinkar Baij,Gobardhan Ash, Ramendranath Chakraborty, Somenath Hore
Answer: (B)
12. ‘Gates of Paradise’ was created by
(A) Auguste Rodin
(B) Lorenzo Ghiberti
(C) Masaccio
(D) Brunelleschi
Answer: (B)
13. After the drawing on litho stone the washout solution is spread, so that
(A) Stone gets smooth
(B) Drawing black pigments come out and grease set in the stone
(C) Drawing image carved
(D) Stone becomes more sensitive
Answer: (B)
14. Aluminium is etched by
(A) Caustic soda
(B) Nitric acid
(C) Ferric chloride
(D) Sulphuric acid
Answer: (A)
15. Soft ground process is used for
(A) Fine drawing
(B) Transfer the texture from textural material
(C) Polishing plate
(D) Separating grease from ink
Answer: (B)
16. First movable types was invented by
(A) Homer
(B) Eric Gill
(C) Carol Summer
(D) John Guttenberg
Answer: (D)
17. In wood-cut sometime print-maker take advantage in his design.
(A) Wood hardness
(B) Wood softness
(C) Natural wood texture
(D) Wood smoothness
Answer: (C)
18. Acid used for copper plate etching
(A) Hydrochloric acid
(B) Ferric chloric acid
(C) Sulphuric acid
(D) Nitric acid
Answer: (B)
19. The major weakness of T.V. as an advertising medium is
(A) Limited audience
(B) Too many ads grouped together
(C) They are too expensive
(D) They are too boring
Answer: (B)
20. The most important element of an ad’s copy is
(A) The competitive edge
(B) The buyer benefit
(C) The message
(D) The headline
Answer: (C)
21. SWOT analysis is best appreciated in context of
(A) Campaign planning
(B) Public relations
(C) Profit performance
(D) Marketing analysis
Answer: (D)
22. The most important objective of an ad is
(A) The promise it makes
(B) Its originality
(C) Its ability to appeal
(D) Its professionalism
Answer: (A)
23. Campaign planning has been incorporated in adv. from
(A) Military Planning
(B) Social Planning
(C) Economic Planning
(D) Political Planning
Answer: (A)
24. “Tag line” is also known as
(A) Jaw line
(B) Punch line
(C) Fix line
(D) Thin line
Answer: (B)
25. In which year Picasso worked for his blue period?
(A) 1900 – 1901
(B) 1901 – 1904
(C) 1904 – 1908
(D) 1905 – 1910
Answer: (B)
26. “Line has the power of colour”, who said?
(A) Corot
(B) Degas
(C) Paul Gauguin
(D) Goya
Answer: (C)
27. “Painting is the art of hollowing a Nsurface” said by
(A) Goya
(B) Manet
(C) Degas
(D) Seurat
Answer: (D)
28. Who said the colour is perspective?
(A) Cezanne
(B) Corot
(C) Goya
(D) Redon
Answer: (A)
29. The famous artist who painted ‘Three Women’ in oil.
(A) Jamini Roy
(B) Amrita Shergil
(C) Raja Ravi Verma
(D) A.N. Tagore
Answer: (B)
30. What is the title of Pran Nath Mago’s painting?
(A) Catching Fish
(B) Haldi Grinder
(C) Mother and Child
(D) Autumn
Answer: (A)
31. Assertion (A): For every work of fine art appropriate combination of imagination, abstraction and expression are essential.
Reason (R): In creation of art, imagination helps to make image, abstraction is concerned with structure of form and expression is responsible for emotion.
(A) (A) is not correct, (R) is correct.
(B) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(C) (A) is correct, (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
Answer: (B)
32. Assertion (A): Early rock cut architecture in India clearly bears the imprint of wooden architecture.
Reason (R): Because in the period between end of Harappa and 6th/5th century BCE wooden architecture was in vogue in India and later shifted to durable stone medium.
(A) (A) is partially correct, (R) is correct.
(B) (A) is correct, (R) is partially correct.
(C) (A) and (R) both are partially correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are correct.
Answer: (D)
33. Assertion (A): Michelangelo in his later phase left some part of his sculptures deliberately unfinished.
Reason (R): He grew old and was more interested in painting.
(A) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
(B) (A) is correct, (R) is not correct.
(C) (A) is not correct, (R) is correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are correct.
Answer: (B)
34. Assertion (A): Henry Moore did not aim at beauty which pleases only.
Reason (R): Because his works have a pent-up power as in primitive sculptures.
(A) (A) is not correct (R) is correct.
(B) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(C) (A) is correct (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
Answer: (B)
35. Assertion (A): All great art grow out of a unifying ideal.
Reason (R): Because great art always evokes life only.
(A) (A) is not correct (R) is correct.
(B) (A) is correct (R) is not correct.
(C) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
Answer: (C)
36. Assertion (A): Visual Literacy is not like verbal literacy.
Reason (R): As we have to learn to read and write, we have not to learn to ‘read’ the visual world.
(A) (A) is correct (R) is not correct.
(B) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
(C) (A) is not correct (R) is correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are correct.
Answer: (B)
37. Assertion (A): Edward Munch is well known painter also done woodcut and lithography.
Reason (R): Those day’s artist does not have satisfaction in only one medium and technic of art.
(A) (A) is correct (R) is wrong.
(B) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
(C) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(D) (A) is wrong (R) is correct.
Answer: (C)
38. Assertion (A): Smoking the plate, helps soft ground to dry and closing the pin holes.
Reason (R): When the very thin soft ground applied on plate, so print maker has to close the pin holes with normal ground.
(A) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
(B) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(C) (A) is correct (R) is wrong.
(D) (A) is wrong (R) is correct.
Answer: (C)
39. Assertion (A): Paul Gaugin was painter and also did prints.
Reason (R): Paul Gaugin was inspired in Tahiti Island by its nature and women.
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(B) (A) is incorrect (R) is correct.
(C) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.
Answer: (A)
40. Assertion (A): Persistence of vision explains that images if shown in fast succession, the human eye would perceive them as moving.
Reason (R): Persistence of vision is a phenomenon used for flip books.
(A) (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct (R) is not correct.
(C) (A) and (R) are not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct (R) is correct.
Answer: (A)
41. Assertion (A): Tertiary colours are also referred to as analogous colours with respect to the colour wheel.
Reason (R): Tertiary colours are situated between the primary and secondary colours with respect to the colour wheel.
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct.
(B) (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is not correct and (R) is correct.
(D) (A) and (R) are not correct.
Answer: (C)
42. Assertion (A): In design, balance, emphasis, rhythm, unity and contrast are the principles with which design is made.
Reason (R): In design line, shape, texture space, size and value are the elements determining how the design is made.
(A) (A) and (R) are not correct.
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct.
(C) (A) is not correct and (R) is correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are correct.
Answer: (D)
43. Assertion (A): Prehistoric rock paintings reflect mostly hunting scenes and wild animals.
Reason (R): Because life of primitive society was largely based on hunting animals.
(A) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.
(B) (A) is incorrect and (R) is incorrect.
(C) (A) is correct and (R) is correct.
(D) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
Answer: (C)
44. Assertion (A): Dry brush stroke technique is used in oil and water colour painting.
Reason (R): Dry brush strokes create a special texture on surface.
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is correct.
(B) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.
(C) (A) is incorrect and (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
Answer: (A)
45. Assertion (A): In Mughal painting of Akabari period horizon is always drawn higher as compared to later painting.
Reason (R): During the Akbar period Mughal Empire expanding, so in painting he wanted to capture ground activities going on in his domain.
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is correct.
(C) (A) is incorrect and (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.
Answer: (B)
46. Select the correct sequence of the structure of Buddhist Stupa from bottom to top:
(A)Chhatravali, Harmika, Andbhag, Medhi
(B) Medhi, Andbhag, Harmika, Chhatravali
(C) Medhi, Harmika, Andbhag, Chhatravali
(D) Medhi, Chhatravali, Andbhag, Harmika
Answer: (B)
47. Select the correct chronological sequence of the western monuments:
(A) Parthenon of Acropolis, Colloseum of Rome, Hagia Sophia, Cathedral of Rheims
(B) Colloseum of Rome, Hagia Sophia, Cathedral of Rheims, Parthenon of Acropolis
(C) Cathedral of Rheims, Parthenon of Acropolis, Colloseum of Rome, Hagia Sophia
(D) Hagia Sophia, Cathedral of Rheims, Parthenon of Acropolis, Colloseum of Rome
Answer: (A)
48. Select the correct sequence of painting on Sistine Chapel according to Bible:
(A) Creation of Eve, Creaton of Adam, fall and Expulsion from Paradise, The sacrifice of Noah
(B) Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, fall and Expulsion from Paradise, The sacrifice of Noah
(C) Creation of Eve, fall and Expulsion from Paradise, Creation of Adam, The sacrifice of Noah
(D) The Sacrifice of Noah, Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, fall and Expulsion from Paradise
Answer: (B)
49. Choose the correct sequence of artists in chronological order:
(A) Donatello, Luca Della Robbia, Bernini, Medardo Rosso.
(B) Luca Della Robbia, Donatello, Bernini, Medardo Rosso.
(C) Luca Della Robbia, Bernini, Donatello, Medardo Rosso.
(D) Donatello, Bernini, Luca Della Robbia, Medardo Rosso.
Answer: (A)
50. Choose the correct sequence in chronological order:
(A) Renaissance Art, Roman Art, Romanesque Art, Byzantine Art
(B) Roman Art, Renaissance Art, Byzantine Art, Romanesque Art.
(C) Romanesque Art, Roman Art, Renaissance Art, Byzantine Art
(D) Roman Art, Byzantine Art, Romanesque Art, Renaissance Art
Answer: (D)
51. Select the correct sequence in chronological order:
(A) Cubism, Impressionism, Constructivism, Dadaism
(B) Impressionism, Cubism, Constructivism, Dadaism
(C) Constructivism, Cubism, Impressionism, Dadaism
(D) Dadaism, Constructivism, Impressionism, Cubism
Answer: (B)
52. Select the correct chronological sequence of the print makers:
(A) Vilas Shinde, Rini Dhumal, Kavita Nayar, Palaniappan
(B) Rini Dhumal, Vilas Shinde, Palaniappan, Kavita Nayar
(C) Rini Dhumal, Palaniappan, Vilas Shinde, Kavita Nayar
(D) Palaniappan, Kavita Nayar, Vilas Shinde, Rini Dhumal
Answer: (B)
53. Select the correct sequence of material used for aquatint:
(A) Nitric acid, Printing, Ground, Resin dust
(B) Resin dust, Ground, Nitric acid, Printing
(C) Printing, Ground, Resin dust, Nitric acid
(D) Ground, Resin dust, Nitric acid, printing
Answer: (B)
54. Select the correct sequence of material used in lithography:
(A) Carborundum powder, Arabic gum, Tusche, Wash out solution
(B) Wash out solution, Arabic gum, Tusche, Carborundum powder
(C) Tusche, Wash out solution, Arabic gum, Carborundum powder
(D) Arabic gum, Tusche, Carborundum powder, Wash out solution
Answer: (A)
55. Correct sequence:
The main verbal elements in print ad are:
(A) Body copy, Sub-headline, Slogan, Headline
(B) Slogan, Sub-headline, Bodycopy, Headline
(C) Sub Headline, Body copy, Slogan, Headline
(D) Headline, Sub-headline, Body copy, Slogan
Answer: (D)
56. Rearrange in order of communication process:
(A) Encoding, Sender, Receiver, Channel
(B) Channel, Sender, Encoding, Receiver
(C) Sender, Encoding, Channel, Receiver
(D) Channel, Receiver, Sender, Encoding
Answer: (C)
57. Arrange the correct sequence from cool to warm colour:
(A) Blue, Crimson, Green, Vermilion
(B) Crimson, Blue, Green, Vermilion
(C) Blue, Green, Crimson, Vermilion
(D) Green, Blue, Vermilion, Crimson
Answer: (C)
58. Select the correct sequence according to chronological order:
(A) Dali, Jackson Pollock, Monet, Gauguin
(B) Gauguin, Monet, Dali, Jackson Pollock
(C) Monet, Gauguin, Dali, Jackson Pollock
(D) Jackson Pollock, Dali, Gauguin, Monet
Answer: (C)
59. Select the correct sequence in chronological order according to their creation:
(A) Mahapurana, Razm-nama, Hamzanama, Kalpsutra
(B) Kalpsutra, Mahapurana, Hamzanama, Razm-nama
(C) Razm-nama, Hamzanama, Mahapurana, Kalpsutra
(D) Hamzanama, Mahapurana, Kalpsutra, Razm-nama
Answer: (B)
60. Select the correct chronological sequence of the Indian Painting’s school:
(A) Ajanta, Garhwal, Bengal, Kangara
(B) Garhwal, Bengal, Kangara, Ajanta
(C) Ajanta, Kangara, Bengal, Garhwal
(D) Ajanta, Kangara, Garhwal, Bengal
Answer: (D)
61. Match monuments to their sites:
(a) Tomb of Sher Shah Suri (i) Mandu
(b) Atala Masjid (ii) Delhi
(c) Tomb of Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq (iii) Sasaram, Bihar
(d) Hindola Mahal (iv) Jaunpur
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(C) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
Answer: (D)
62. Match the famous paintings to their respective artists:
(a) Raft of Medusa (i) Raphael
(b) Scream (ii) Edward Munch
(c) Lunch on the Grass (iii) Gericault
(d) School of Athens (iv) Manet
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Answer: (B)
63. Match the authors with their work:
(a) Benjamin Rowland (i) Survey of Indian Sculpture
(b) V.S. Agrawal (ii) Indian Architecture
(c) Percy Brown (iii) The Art and Architecture of India
(d) S.K. Saraswati (iv) Indian Art
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(D) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
Answer: (D)
64. Match the following:
(a) Pyrometric cone (i) Terracotta
(b) Pointed Chirel (ii) Wood carving
(c) Gouge (iii) Bronze casting
(d) Luto (iv) Stone carving
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(B) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(C) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
(D) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
Answer: (C)
65. Match the following:
(a) The Louvre (i) London
(b) Baptistery of S. Giovanni (ii) Greece
(c) Victoria and Albert Museum (iii) Paris
(d) The Parthenon (iv) Florence
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
(D) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
Answer: (A)
66. Match the following sculptors with their relevant cities:
(a) Balan Nambiar (i) Delhi
(b) Rabindra Reddy (ii) Shillong
(c)Prithpal Laddy (iii) Bangalore
(d) Mrinalini Mukherjee (iv) Hyderabad
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(B) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(C) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
Answer: (D)
67. Match the following:
(a) Chitta Prasad (i) Metal foil
(b) Devyani Krishna (ii) Wood intaglio
(c) Jayant Parikh (iii) Lino-cut
(d) Sanat Kar (iv) Colour etching
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(C) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(D) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
Answer: (D)
68. (a) Levigator (i) Wood cut
(b) Squeeze (ii) Intaglio
(c) Bunin (iii) Silk Screen
(d) Rulet (iv) Lithography
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(D) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Answer: (D)
69. Match the following:
(a) Iron- Perchloride (i) Fore ground
(b) Snake stone (ii) Viping
(c) Tallow (iii) Etching
(d) French Chalk (iv) Creation of stone drawng
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Answer: (D)
70. Match the communication methods from primitive to modern:
(a) Audio (i) Primitive
(b) Print (ii) Modern
(c) Audio-visual (iii) Gutenberg
(d) Non-verbal (iv) Early 1920’s
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
Answer: (B)
71. Select the correct match:
(a) Banner Advertising (i) Magazine
(b) Centre Page advertising (ii) David Ogilvy
(c) Father of advertising (iii) Letter Press Printing
(d) Direct Printing (iv) Web Page
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
Answer: (D)
72. Match the following:
(a) Newspaper (i) Brand name
(b) Dubble Spread Ad (ii) Gutter space
(c) Packaging (iii) Outdoor Advertising
(d) Sandwich Board (iv) Magazine
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
Answer: (D)
73. Match the following ….isms and artists:
(a) Impressionism (i) Matisse
(b) Favism (ii) Miro
(c) Expressionism (iii) Monet
(d) Surrealism (iv) Munch
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(C) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(D) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Answer: (B)
74. Match the paintings and medium:
(a) Trees (i) Wash in Tempera
(b) Head of Shiva (ii) Oil
(c) He has a long way to go (iii) Ink
(d) Three women (iv) Tempera
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(D) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Answer: (C)
75. Match the following to their year of birth:
(a) N.S. Bendre (i) 1912
(b) K.K. Hebbar (ii) 1922
(c) Bimal Das Gupta (iii) 1910
(d) H.S. Raz (iv) 1917
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(C) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(D) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
Answer: (D)
Year Wise Solved UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Previous Year Question Papers
The old UGC NET Examination paper-3 in Visual Art was of descriptive type till December 2011.
Paper 3 becomes the objective type from June 2012 to November 2017. From July 2018 onward, paper 3 was stopped and becomes part of paper 2 itself.
So, the old questions for paper 3 from June 2012 to November 2017 which were of objective type (multiple choice questions) can be used by the UGC NET aspirants for their better preparation for paper 2.
Year Wise NTA UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are given below.
Download Year Wise NTA UGC NET Visual Art paper 3 Solved Paper |
UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2017 November |
UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2016 July |
UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 June |
UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 December |
UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 June |
UGC NET Visual Art Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 December |
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