NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June: To score better marks in the NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature, you should have depth knowledge of the entire subject.
You can boost your preparation by referring to NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature paper 3 Question Paper 2013 June. It will give you information about the important chapters and concepts covered in all chapters.
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Here we have provided you with the complete guide on NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June.
NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June
NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are the best study materials to score good marks in the Comparative Literature exam.
Practicing these NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature paper 3 Previous Year Question papers assist the students in getting a clear idea about the question paper pattern and types of questions asked in the exam.
You can check the complete NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June.
1. The first systematic application of the theory of patriarchy to literary studies was made by
(A) Michel Foucalt
(B) Shulamith Firestone
(C) Nigel Leask
(D) Kate Millet
Answer: (D)
2. Walter Benjamin’s “The Task of the Translator” was initially written as an introduction to an anthology of translations of poems by
(A) Schiller
(B) Rilke
(C) Baudelaire
(D) Paul Valery
Answer: (C)
3. ‘Rasa’ is an amalgamation of
(A) Bibhava and Anubhava
(B) Bibhava, Anubhava, Vyabhicaribhava, Sthayibhava
(C) Sthayibhava and Bibhava
(D) Bibhava, Anubhava, Vyabhicaribhava
Answer: (B)
4. With which genre would you associate the poem “The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough”?
(A) Noh
(B) Haiku
(C) Khandakavya
(D) Ghazal
Answer: (B)
5. Kappanna and Appanna are characters in which of these modern Indian plays?
(A) Yayati
(B) Nagamandala
(C) Tughlaq
(D) Sakharam Binder
Answer: (B)
6. Arrange the following books in order in which they appeared. Use the code given below:
I. Anand Math
II. Umrao Jan Ada
III. Godan
IV. Indulekha
(A) I, IV, II, III
(B) IV, I, III, II
(C) II, IV, I, III
(D) III, II, I, IV
Answer: (A)
7. Name the author of the influential essay, “From Comparative Literature to Translation Studies”.
(A) Susan Bassnett
(B) Jacques Derrida
(C) Tejaswini Niranjana
(D) Itamar Even-Zohar
Answer: (A)
8. Which of the following is not a report on the scope, status and standards of Comparative Literature?
(A) Bassnett Report
(B) Bernheimer Report
(C) Levin Report
(D) Greene Report
Answer: (A)
9. The Howe Past Midnight is an English translation of Tamil writer Salma’s works done by
(A) Sundara Ramaswamy
(B) Sujit Mukherjee
(C) Lakshmi Holmstrom
(D) A.K. Ramanujan
Answer: (C)
10. Which of these methods deal/(s) primarily with categories related to content?
(A) Thematology
(B) Genology and Historiography
(C) Stylistics
(D) Thematology and Stylistics
Answer: (A)
11. A key theory in translation studies that challenges the hegemony of the source language and locates the translation firmly in the context of the target language space instead, is the
(A) Polyphony theory
(B) Polyvalence theory
(C) Multivalence theory
(D) Polysystem theory
Answer: (D)
12. Homeric epithet is a combination of
(A) Adjective and Noun
(B) Two adjectives
(C) Noun and Adverb
(D) Adjective and Adverb
Answer: (A)
13. Vidyasagar’s Bhrantibilas is an adaption of Shakespeare’s
(A) Macbeth
(B) Romeo and Juliet
(C) The Tempest
(D) Comedy of Errors
Answer: (D)
14. Gargantua and Pantagruel is
(A) Written by Montaigne during the medieval period in France
(B) Written by Rabelais during French Renaissance
(C) Written by Villon during early Renaissance in France
(D) Written by Montaigne during French Romanticism
Answer: (B)
15. The tripartite division of translation into ‘metaphases’, ‘paraphrase’ and ‘imitation’ was introduced by
(A) Alexander Pope
(B) John Dryden
(C) Walter Benjamin
(D) Susan Bassnett
Answer: (B)
16. Which of the following languages was not covered by the original four volumes of the National Bibliography of Indian Literature 1901-1953 published by the Sahitya Akademi, but was part of the fifth volume, which was envisaged and added later to the series?
(A) Kashmiri
(B) Rajasthani
(C) Sanskrit
(D) Sindhi
Answer: (B)
17. Identify the author who is a double migrant:
(A) Rohinton Mistry
(B) Shani Mootoo
(C) Shyam Selvadurai
(D) Anita Rau Badami
Answer: (B)
18. The philosopher whose deconstructionist critique of problems of origins, essence and presence caught the attention of critics who had grown disenchanted with New Criticism and structuralism, was
(A) Jacques Derrida
(B) Michel Foucault
(C) Mikhail Bakhtin
(D) Roland Barthes
Answer: (A)
19. Bakhtin proposes the notion of
(A) Heteroglossia
(B) Zones of characters
(C) (A) and (B)
(D) None of them
Answer: (C)
20. Name the translator who infamously stated that the Persian poets he translated were not poets enough until he made them so
(A) William Jones
(B) Charles Wilkins
(C) Edward Fitzgerald
(D) Ram Mohan Roy
Answer: (C)
21. Which of the following is one of the definitive characteristics of the French School of Comparative Literature?
(A) Stylistics
(B) Polygenesis Studies
(C) Influence Studies
(D) Mythological Studies
Answer: (C)
22. The common element is early Bangla and Ahamiya literature is
(A) Namah texts
(B) Charyapadas
(C) Krittibas’ Ramayana
(D) Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita
Answer: (B)
23. G.K. Chisterton’s “After Walt Whitman” is _______
(A) A parody of Whitman’s themes
(B) A caricature of Whitman’s persona
(C) A tribute to Whitman’s clairvoyance
(D) A parody of Whitman’s style
Answer: (D)
24. Which of the following is, in sum, Paul de Man’s thesis in such books as Blindness & Insight and Allegories of Reading?
(A) In all things that speech can express, these are two elements – the outward or instrumental and the real or spiritual.
(B) What literature “knows” is that knowledge is a paretic, that is, unavailable, because it is subject to a double bind. We cannot have access to the truth that we seek in literature; and this is literature’s truth.
(C) Canonical works take the measure of the reader by means of their authority; their capacity to rebuke, baffles, and thwart us, as well as surprise us with unexpected, astonishing power. Even at its most frustrating, the canonical work draws us on; in our fascination, we remain loyal to it.
(D) In the struggle for the allegiance of the reading public, the established poetics can point to prestigious finished products whereas the adherents of the new poetics cannot yet do so. Consequently, the challenges being to import their own ‘finished products’.
Answer: (B)
25. “From country to popular” is the subtitle of a volume of which series on Indian Literary history?
(A) A History of Indian Literature
(B) The Oral Tradition in India
(C) Literary History of India
(D) India: Her Literature and Culture
Answer: (A)
26. The Pleiade is
(i) A cluster of stars
(ii) A group of 18th century French poets
(iii) A group of seven Alexandrian poets and tragedians.
(A) Only (i) is correct.
(B) Only (ii) is correct.
(C) (i) and (iii) are correct.
(D) (ii) and (iii) are correct.
Answer: (C)
27. Who is the author of Dhvanyaloka?
(A) Jagannatha
(B) Bharata
(C) Mammata
(D) Anandavardhana
Answer: (D)
28. Novels that breach the template are held by reception aesthetics to be
(A) Discursively constructed
(B) Extending the horizon of expectation
(C) Creating estrangement
(D) Canonically correct
Answer: (B)
29. Miss Leela Benare is the protagonist of which of these plays?
(A) Evam Indrajit
(B) Ghasiram Kotwal
(C) Adhe Adhure
(D) Silence! The Court is in Session
Answer: (D)
30. “The theorist who took it upon himself to” distinguish between what is social from what is individual in language, and what is essential from what is ancillary was
(A) Eugene Nida
(B) Ferdinand de Saussure
(C) Roland Barthes
(D) Roman Jacobson
Answer: (B)
31. Name the 1958 work that applied structuralist and semi logical methods to a range of non-literary texts such as wrestling, food and fashion
(A) S/Z
(B) The Pleasure of the Text
(C) Mythologies
(D) Writing Degree Zero
Answer: (C)
32. The European poet who compared his own poetic style with that of Pinder in the lines “Julus, whoever rivals Pindar……” was
(A) Roousard
(B) Harace
(C) Catullus
(D) Villon
Answer: (B)
33. The Loeb Classical Library is known to provide comparative literary scholars with __________.
(A) Original classics in unexpurgated format
(B) Literary translations of classics
(C) Literal translations of classics
(D) Original classics, edited, with notes and lists of sources
Answer: (C)
34. Identify the Booker Prize awardee from the list below, who was not born in India.
(A) Arundhati Ray
(B) Salman Rushdie
(C) V.S. Naipaul
(D) Aravind Adiga
Answer: (C)
35. Babaji Nataka
(i) Is considered by many as the first Oriya play.
(ii) Has been translated into English as The Holy Man.
(iii) Is written in colloquial 19thcentury Oriya.
(iv) Has several characters who speak Bangla, Hindi and English.
(A) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
(B) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
(C) Only (i) is correct.
(D) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
Answer: (D)
36. Uttararamacaritam was a famous play of
(A) Bhavabhuti
(B) Kalidasa
(C) Shudraka
(D) Banabhatta
Answer: (A)
37. The name of Faulkner’s novel The Sound and the Fury has been taken from
(A) Othello
(B) King Lear
(C) Hamlet
(D) Macbeth
Answer: (D)
38. Ovid’s Metamorphoses contains
(A) A collection of religious sayings
(B) A collection of myths
(C) A collection of parables
(D) A collection of poems on ancient European civilization
Answer: (B)
39. Identify the book which does not fall under the category of diasporic literature
(A) Can you hear the Night bird call?
(B) The Oath of the Vayuputras
(C) Interpreter of Maladies
(D) The Sorrow and the Terror
Answer: (B)
40. Identify the one which is not a historical novel:
(A) Ivanhoe
(B) The Hunchback of Notre Dame
(C) War and Peace
(D) Moby Dick
Answer: (D)
41. The Order of Things is a book by
(A) Roland Barthes
(B) Michel Foucault
(C) Jacques Derrida
(D) Ngugi wa Thiongo
Answer: (B)
42. Aayatollah Khomeini had declared a ‘fatwa’ on
(A) Arundhati Ray for “God of Small Things”
(B) Salman Rushdie for Midnight’s Children
(C) Salman Rushdie for the Satanic Verses
(D) Amitav Ghosh for River of Smoke
Answer: (C)
43. The Cherry Orchard was written by
(A) Moliere in French
(B) Chekhov in Russian
(C) Heine in German
(D) Chekhov in Polish
Answer: (B)
44. Who declared that the “unconscious is structured like a language”?
(A) Jacques Lacan
(B) Ferdinand de Saussure
(C) Roman Jacobson
(D) Sigmund Freud
Answer: (A)
45. The greatest theorist of tragicomedy was
(A) Giovanni de Bernardo
(B) Battista Guarini
(C) John Dryden
(D) Joseph Addison
Answer: (B)
46. “Translation as Perjury” is an essay by
(A) Rammohan Roy
(B) N. Kamala
(C) Anisur Rahman
(D) Sujit Mukherjee
Answer: (D)
47. Counterpoints is written by
(A) Ipshita Chanda
(B) Nabaneeta Dev Sen
(C) Chandra Mohan
(D) Ajeet Kaur
Answer: (B)
48. Jean-Paul Sartre’s The Flies borrows its theme from
(A) Sophocles
(B) Aristophanes
(C) Homer
(D) Aeschylus
Answer: (D)
49. The first department of comparative literature was started at
(A) Jadavpur University
(B) Calcutta University
(C) Delhi University
(D) University of Kerala
Answer: (A)
50. Which of the following writers is not a Nobel Laureate?
(A) John Steinbeck
(B) Jean-Paul Sartre
(C) Leo Tolstoy
(D) Harold Pinter
Answer: (C)
51. “Why Comparative Indian Literature?” is an essay by
(A) R.K. Dasgupta
(B) Amiya Dev
(C) Swapan Majumdar
(D) Sisir Kumar Das
Answer: (D)
52. Who among the following cannot be subsumed under the category, American Transcendentalists?
(A) Walt Whitman
(B) Ralph Waldo Emerson
(C) Emily Dickinson
(D) Henry David Thoreau
Answer: (C)
53. Friedrich Schlegel was a major figure of
(A) Early German classicism
(B) Medieval German Literature
(C) The Storm and Drang Movement
(D) German Romanticism
Answer: (D)
54. The English Novel Rajmohan’s wife was written by
(A) Michael Madhusudan Dutt
(B) Raja Rammohan Roy
(C) Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay
(D) Rabindranath Tagore
Answer: (C)
55. Homer’s The Odyssey contains
(A) 12 books
(B) 18 books
(C) 24 books
(D) 6 books
Answer: (C)
56. The Hindi film Utsav was based on
(A) Gathasaptasati
(B) Tripitaka
(C) Mricchhakatika
(D) Meghduta
Answer: (C)
57. _________ is the study of the discursive content of images, the symbolic meanings that they express.
(A) Iconology
(B) Philology
(C) Mythography
(D) Iconography
Answer: (D)
58. Which early European poet used the AZP structure of the ballet to formulate his stanzaic pattern?
(A) Dante
(B) Petrarch
(C) Harace
(D) Pindar
Answer: (D)
59. Satyajit Ray’s award winning film “Pather Panchali” is based on a novel by
(A) Kazi Nazrul Islam
(B) Rabindranath Tagore
(C) Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay
(D) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Answer: (C)
60. Which of the following reports engages most clearly with the emergence of Cultural studies?
(A) Greene Report
(B) Blue Report
(C) Bernheimer Report
(D) Levin Report
Answer: (C)
61. Culture Studies as an academic discipline began in the UK at the
(A) University of London
(B) University of Birmingham
(C) University of Manchester
(D) University of East Anglia
Answer: (B)
62. Name the author of the novel Kartography
(A) Hanif Qureishi
(B) Anitav Ghosh
(C) Shyam Selvadurai
(D) Kamala Shamsie
Answer: (D)
63. Who among the following devised a “pointillist” method in Art history?
(A) Ernest Gombrich
(B) Fernand Braudel
(C) Erwin Panofsky
(D) Heinrich Wölfflin
Answer: (B)
64. The following poems furnish good examples of the artistic potential of emphasis:
I. “The Lady of Shallot”
II. “Musee des Beaux Arts”
III. “Preludes”
IV. “Ode on a Grecian Uru”
(A) I and II are correct
(B) II and III are correct
(C) III and IV are correct
(D) II and IV are correct
Answer: (D)
65. Principles of Art History was written by
(A) Oskar Walzel
(B) Heinrich Wolfflin
(C) Zimmermann
(D) E. Legouis
Answer: (B)
66. Which of these books were published in two different editions separated by many years, the first in black and white, and the second in colour, where the racism in the former was sought to be removed by the author in the latter?
(A) Tintin in Africa
(B) Tintin in America
(C) Tintin in the Congo
(D) Tintin and the Broken Ear
Answer: (C)
67. Match List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
(Broad Area) (Theorist associated with it)
i. The politics of representations 1. Richard Hoggart
ii. Cultural studies and Media 2. Stuart Hall
iii. The audience and consumption 3. Lawrence Grossberg
iv. Cultural studies in the US 4. David Morley
i ii iii iv
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 2 4 3 1
(C) 2 1 4 3
(D) 4 3 1 2
Answer: (C)
68. The ‘Inuits’ are commonly known as
(A) Negroes
(B) Eskimos
(C) Australoids
(D) Red-Indians
Answer: (B)
69. An autobiographical graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi is
(A) My Persia
(B) Revolution
(C) Persepolis
(D) Maus
Answer: (C)
70. “Understanding Comics” is written by
(A) Neil Gaiman
(B) Scott McCloud
(C) Alan Moore
(D) Raymond Williams
Answer: (B)
71. Which Shakespearean play was Rabindranath Tagore forced to translate at the age of fourteen as a part of his holiday homework?
(A) Antony & Cleopatra
(B) Macbeth
(C) Hamlet
(D) The Merchant of Venice
Answer: (B)
72. The concept of “Social Drama” was developed by
(A) Martin Esslin
(B) Victor Turner
(C) Northrop Frye
(D) David Hare
Answer: (B)
73. The following play has experimented with cultural and dramatic possibilities in an historical light:
(A) Indian Ink
(B) Bringing Up Father
(C) Teeth N’ Smiles
(D) Mudrārāk asa
Answer: (A)
74. Which of these is not one of the general categories Raymond Williams delineates in his definition of culture?
(A) The Social
(B) The Documentary
(C) The Ideal
(D) The Actual
Answer: (D)
75. ‘Native Earth Performing Arts’ is a theatre company based in
(A) Toronto
(B) Brisbane
(C) Ahmedabad
(D) Nairobi
Answer: (A)
Year Wise Solved UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Previous Year Question Papers
The old UGC NET Examinations paper-3 in Comparative Literature was of descriptive type till December 2011.
Paper 3 becomes the objective type from June 2012 to November 2017. From July 2018 onward, paper 3 was stopped and becomes part of paper 2 itself.
So, the old questions for paper-3 from June 2012 to November 2017 which were of objective type (multiple choice questions) can be used by the UGC NET aspirants for their better preparation for paper-2.
Year Wise NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are given below.
Download Year Wise NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Paper |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2017 November |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2016 July |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 June |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 December |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 June |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 December |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 December |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December |
UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 June |
We have covered the NTA UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June.
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