NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December: To score better marks in the NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions, you should have depth knowledge of the entire subject.
You can boost your preparation by referring to NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December. It will give you information about the important chapters and concepts covered in all chapters.
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Here we have provided you with the complete guide on NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December.
NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December
NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are the best study materials to score good marks in the Comparative Study of Religions exam.
Practicing these NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions paper 3 Previous Year Question papers assist the students in getting a clear idea about the question paper pattern and types of questions asked in the exam.
You can check the complete NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December.
1. The concept of sacred was first used by
(A) Emile Durkheim
(B) Mircea Eliade
(C) E.B. Tylor
(D) Paul Ricoeur
Answer: (A)
2. As per Durkheim Totem is not
(A) Elementary form of religion
(B) A symbol of God
(C) Sacred
(D) Profane
Answer: (D)
3. Which is a correct match?
a. Rudolf Otto 1. Varieties of Religious Experience
b. Paul Tillich 2. The idea of Holy
c. William James 3. The Dynamics of Faith
d. E.B. Tylor 4. Primitive Culture
a b c d
(A) 4 3 2 1
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 2 3 1 4
(D) 4 2 3 1
Answer: (C)
4. Who is not an evolutionary thinker?
(A) Auguste Comte
(B) Emile Durkheim
(C) Edward Burnett Tylor
(D) James George Frazen
Answer: (B)
5. Theology is a
(A) Study of religion
(B) Science of religion
(C) Philosophy of religion
(D) Comparative study of religion
Answer: (B)
6. Which is not a form of tribel religion?
(A) Totemism
(B) Animism
(C) Magic
(D) Belief in a God
Answer: (D)
7. Which is not true statement?
(A) Religion is a need of social life.
(B) Religion is essence of life
(C) Religion is useful for human life.
(D) Religion is against human life.
Answer: (D)
8. Which statement is incorrect?
(A) Secularization is a privatisation of religion.
(B) Secularization is a definition of religion.
(C) Secularization is a neutralization of religion.
(D) Secularization is fundamentalization of religion.
Answer: (D)
9. “Religion is an ultimate concern of man” who has given this statement:
(A) Mircea Eliade
(B) Paul Ricoeur
(C) Max Weber
(D) Paul Tillich
Answer: (D)
10. Religious pluralism means
(A) Exclusivism
(B) Fundamentalism
(C) Inclusivism
(D) None of these
Answer: (D)
11. Read the following:
a. Hinduism 1. Vedas
b. Sikhism 2. Guru GranthSahib
c. Judaiasm 3. New Testament
d. Christianity 4. Hebrew text
Find a correct combination:
a b c d
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 1 2 4 3
(C) 4 2 1 3
(D) 3 2 4 1
Answer: (B)
12. Which is correct?
1. Idea of Holy – Rudolf Otto
2. Varieties of Religious Experience – William James.
3. Primitive culture – Emile Durkheim.
(A) Only 1 is correct
(B) Only 3 is correct
(C) Both 1 and 2 are correct
(D) Both 2 and 3 are correct
Answer: (C)
13. Which religion has western origin?
(A) Judaism
(B) Christianity
(C) Islam
(D) None of these
Answer: (D)
14. Religion means belief in God. Who does not believe in the above statement?
(A) Hinduism
(B) Sikhism
(C) Islam
(D) Buddhism
Answer: (D)
15. Which scripture is written by its founders?
(A) Bible
(B) Koran
(C) Vedas
(D) Guru Granth Sahib
Answer: (D)
16. Vedic hymns where revealed in the hearts of
(A) Monks
(B) Saints
(C) R. s
(D) Āchāryas
Answer: (C)
17. The concept of Vidyā-Avidyā is mentioned in
(A) Kahopani ad
(B) Iśopani ad
(C) Kenopani ad
(D) Mundakopani ad
Answer: (B)
18. Read the following:
List – I List – II
a. Veda 1. Swami Sradhanand
b. Vaiśeika 2. Goudapādāchārya
c. Nyāya 3. Patanjali
d. Praśnopani ad 4. Kaāda
Identify the correct Author and Scripture.
(A) a and 1
(B) b and 4
(C) c and 2
(D) d and 3
Answer: (B)
19. “Brahman is the reality, World is false” is proclaimed by
(A) Bhadrāchārya
(B) Madhvāchārya
(C) Vallabhāchārya
(D) Āchārya Śankar
Answer: (D)
20. The number of Mahāpurānas is
(A) Twelve
(B) Twenty one
(C) Eight
(D) Eighteen
Answer: (D)
21. Mā Ni āda Pratihām Twamagamah Śāśwāti Samāh. Yat Krounchamithunādekamavadh h. Kamamohitam. This verse is related to
(A) Rāmāyana epic
(B) Mahābhārata epic
(C) Uttararāmacharitam
(D) Raghuvamśam
Answer: (A)
22. The author of S ra Sāgar is
(A) Ravidāsa
(B) Tulasdāsa
(C) S radāsa
(D) Kabrdāsa
Answer: (C)
23. The preachings are known by the name of “Viśitādvaita”, its preacher is
(A) Vallabhāchārya
(B) Nimbārkāchārya
(C) Mādhavāchārya
(D) Rāmānujācharya
Answer: (D)
24. In modern era social and religious reform movement begins from
(A) Fifteenth Century
(B) Sixteenth Century
(C) Eighteenth Century
(D) Nineteenth Century
Answer: (D)
25. In 1875, the Arya Samaj was founded by
(A) Rājā Rām Mohan Rāi
(B) Col. Alcott
(C) Jyotiba Phule
(D) Swām Dayānand Saraswat
Answer: (D)
26. Lord Mahavira attained Parinirvānaat
(A) Kāshi
(B) Pāvā
(C) Vaishali
(D) Ayodhya
Answer: (B)
27. Lord Pārśvanatha mainly propounded the concept of Religion.
(A) Chāturyāma Dharm
(B) Ś nyavāda
(C) Niyativāda
(D) jivakadharm
Answer: (A)
28. These are main sects of Jainism
(A) Akāli-Khālsā
(B) Heenyana – Mahayana
(C) Digambara-Swetāmbara
(D) Siya-Sunni
Answer: (C)
29. This is a Jaina Āgama text
(A) Sātrakratānga
(B) Setubandha
(C) Gahasaptasati
(D) Kadambari
Answer: (A)
30. The language of Samayasāra is
(A) Sanskrit
(B) Apabhramsa
(C) Pali
(D) ŚauraseniPrakrit
Answer: (D)
31. The Acārangasutra mainly deals with
(A) The concept of Karma theory
(B) Ten types of Religions
(C) Spiritual saying of Lord Mahaveera
(D) Vows of Householder
Answer: (C)
32. The meaning of ‘Aparigraha’ in Jainism is
(A) Non-stealing
(B) Non-attachment
(C) Non-absolutism
(D) Not telling lie
Answer: (B)
33. Abhaya Dāna is included in this group of Jaina Principles
(A) Tri atna
(B) Four kinds of Charity
(C) Six substance
(D) Seven fundamentals
Answer: (B)
34. The famous Jaina temples of Mount Abu are also known as
(A) Delawārā temples
(B) Keśariyaji temples
(C) Śāntinatha temples
(D) Gommatesh temples
Answer: (A)
35. Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology and Ahimsa is situated at
(A) Delhi
(B) Vaishali
(C) Varanasi
(D) Shravanabelagola
Answer: (B)
36. The number of omens which Siddhārtha saw before renunciation of the household life was
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Five
(D) Four
Answer: (D)
37. The Dhammacakkappavattana-Suttawas preached by the Buddha to
(A) Yasa
(B) Bhaddiya
(C) Sāriputta
(D) Vimala
Answer: (B)
38. The third Buddhist council was held under the chairmanship of
(A) Moggaliputta Tissa
(B) Mahākassapa
(C) Revata
(D) Yashomitra
Answer: (A)
39. The position of Samadhi in the Attáagika Magga happens to be
(A) The first
(B) The fourth
(C) The seventh
(D) The eighth
Answer: (D)
40. Sammādithi is a part of this Buddhist principle
(A) Samadhi
(B) Ratnatraya
(C) A āngikamarga
(D) Pancaś la
Answer: (C)
41. Sāchistp a is situated in
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Bihar
Answer: (C)
42. Nāgārjuna was the Ācārya of
(A) Vijñanavādi
(B) Ś nyavādi
(C) Vaibhaikas
(D) Sautrāntikas
Answer: (B)
43. The Nyāyabindu Text was composed in
(A) Tibetan
(B) Pali
(C) Sanskrit
(D) Prakrit
Answer: (C)
44. These are the main principles of Buddhism
(A) Anuvrata-Mahavrata
(B) Veda-Vijana
(C) Śila-Samādhi-Praña
(D) Anekāntavāda and Nayavāda
Answer: (C)
45. Buddhism was introduced in Tibet through
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) India
(C) Thailand
(D) China
Answer: (B)
46. Forerunner of Jesus Christ
(A) Mary
(B) Joseph
(C) Elizabeth
(D) John the Baptist
Answer: (D)
47. David is the author of
(A) Genesis
(B) Psalms
(C) Book of Revelation
(D) Acts of the apostles
Answer: (B)
48. Identify the chronological order of the great persons of the Bible
(A) Jacob, Abraham, Isaac, Jesus Christ.
(B) Jesus Christ, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham.
(C) Isaac, Abraham, Jesus Christ, Jacob.
(D) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus Christ.
Answer: (D)
49. Official beginning of the Protestant reformation is with
(A) Henry VIII
(B) John Calvin
(C) John Hus
(D) Martin Luther
Answer: (D)
50. The Ten Commandments were given to
(A) Moses
(B) Abraham
(C) Isaac
(D) Jacob
Answer: (A)
51. Trinity according to Christian teaching means
(A) One God in one person
(B) One God in two persons
(C) Three Gods in one person
(D) One God in three persons
Answer: (D)
52. The author of the Book ‘City of God’
(A) Karl Rahner
(B) Joseph Ratzinger
(C) St. Thomas Aquinas
(D) St. Augustine
Answer: (D)
53. The most famous mystic of the Christian religion
(A) St. Theresa of Avila
(B) St. Thomas Aquinas
(C) St. Cyril of Alexandria
(D) St. Ambrose of Milan
Answer: (A)
54. Which is the correct match?
a. St. Francis Xavier 1. Mannanam
b. St. Thomas 2. Goa
c. John Brito 3. Mylapore
d. Blessed Chavara 4. Madurai
a b c d
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 4 3 2 1
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 2 3 4 1
Answer: (D)
55. Father in faith of the Thomas Christians
(A) Apostle John
(B) Apostle Peter
(C) Apostle Andreas
(D) Apostle Thomas
Answer: (D)
56. The age in which Prophet Muhammad was born known as
(A) Era of Enlightenment
(B) Golden Age
(C) Era of Holy War
(D) Jahiliya Age
Answer: (D)
57. Status of Prophet Muhammad was that of
(A) Mehdi
(B) Caliph
(C) Nabi
(D) Imam
Answer: (C)
58. In pre-Islamic Arabia Daughters of Allah were
(A) Khadija, Hafsha and Fatima
(B) Hubal, Khadija and al-Uza
(C) al-Uza, al-Manat and al-Lat
(D) Hafsha, Aiysha and Fatima
Answer: (C)
59. Tauhid involves belief in
(A) Duality
(B) Trinity
(C) Monotheism
(D) Polytheism
Answer: (C)
60. Quran comprises
(A) 104 Surahs
(B) 114 Surahs
(C) 101 Surahs
(D) 144 Surahs
Answer: (B)
61. Muslims believe in
I. Jinn
II. Day of Judgement
III. Idol worship
IV. Quran
(A) I and II are correct
(B) II and III are correct
(C) III and IV are correct
(D) II and IV are correct
Answer: (D)
62. Tasawaf means
(A) Exposition of Shariat
(B) Pilgrimage to Mecca
(C) Islamic Mysticism
(D) Holy War against the Kafirs
Answer: (C)
63. Which one is not correctly matched?
(A) Mecca – Kaaba
(B) Rabia – IshaqHaqiqi
(C) Allah – Shirk
(D) Bule Shah – Kasur
Answer: (C)
64. Identify the correct matched:
(A) Sunni – Karbala
(B) SahihBukhari – Hadith
(C) Hanbali – Philosophical school
(D) Mutazilites – School of Shariat
Answer: (B)
65. Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan was associated with
(A) Dar-ul-Ulum
(B) Ahmadiya Movement
(C) Aligarh Muslim Movement
(D) Anjum-i-Taraqi-i-Shariat
Answer: (C)
66. Which of the following institutions was established by Guru Nanak?
(A) Akal Takht
(B) Sarbat Khalsa
(C) Gurmata
(D) Dharmsal
Answer: (D)
67. The Sikhs believe in
I. Ten Gurus one spirit
II. Trinity
III. Advaita Vedanta
IV. Miri-Piri
(A) I and II are correct
(B) III and IV are correct
(C) IV and I are correct
(D) II and III are correct
Answer: (C)
68. Identify the correct match
(A) Guru Amar Das – Anand Sahib
(B) Guru Arjan – Akal Takht
(C) Guru Gobind Singh – Japuji
(D) Nand Lal – Gur Sobha
Answer: (A)
69. Janamsakhi literature deals with
(A) Exposition of Gurbari
(B) Life and Mission of Guru Nanak
(C) Sikh code of conduct
(D) Sikh-Muslim conflict
Answer: (B)
70. Arrange the followings in Chronological order:
I. Sarup Das Bhalla
II. Sukha Singh
III. Santokh Singh
IV. Sainapati
(A) I, II, III, IV
(B) II, III, IV, I
(C) IV, I, II, III
(D) III, IV, I, II
Answer: (C)
71. Khalsa code of conduct allows:
(A) Consumption of drugs
(B) Worship of Ancestors
(C) Female Infanticide
(D) Unshorn hair
Answer: (D)
72. Identify the correct order in which the following appeared:
(A) Minas, Ramraias, Sewapanthis, Udasis.
(B) Udasis, Minas, Ramraias,Sewapanthis.
(C) Sewapanthis, Ramraias, Minas, Udasis.
(D)Ramraias, Sewapanthis, Udasis, Minas.
Answer: (B)
73. Guru ManyoGranth Means belief in
(A) Personal Guruship
(B) Worship of so many Granths
(C) Mystic body of the Panth
(D) Guru Granth Sahib is the Eternal Guru
Answer: (D)
74.Gurdwara Reform Movement aimed at
(A) Creation of Sikh State.
(B) Government Control OverGurdwaras.
(C) Liberation of Gurdwaras from the control of Mahants.
(D) Sikh-Muslim collaboration.
Answer: (C)
75. Which one of the following is not associated with the Sikh Diaspora ?
(A) KamagataMaru
(B) Ghadarite Movement
(C) KhalsaDiwan Society
(D) BhaiJodh Singh
Answer: (D)
Year Wise Solved UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Previous Year Question Papers
The old UGC NET Examination paper-3 in Comparative Study of Religions was of descriptive type till December 2011.
paper-3 becomes objective type from June 2012 to November 2017. From July 2018 onward, paper-3 was stopped and becomes part of paper-2 itself.
So, the old questions for paper-3 from June 2012 to November 2017 which were of objective type (multiple choice questions) can be used by the UGC NET aspirants for their better preparation for paper 2.
Year Wise NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Papers are given below.
Download Year Wise NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions paper 3 Solved Paper |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2017 November |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2016 July |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 June |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2015 December |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 June |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2014 December |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 December |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 September |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2013 June |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December |
UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 June |
We have covered the NTA UGC NET Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3 Solved Question Paper 2012 December.
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